What we care for

Academic development
Scholarship Programme
This was the first of SEP programmes which started in 2015. The program targets students in high school who are aged between 14 years to 20 years. Since there are many needy cases and not nearly enough resources, a stringent selection criteria is set to ensure only the very needy cases join the program. To fit the selection criteria, a student has to demonstrate that he/she is needy, talented, disciplined and ready to learn. Every year SEP supports about 25 students. Since inception, the program has supported about 300 students with partial or full scholarships. The support comes in terms of school fees, stationery, uniforms, and other personal effects. The program strives to meet the following objectives;
a) Reducing school dropout among students from poor backgrounds
b) Increasing the performance of students in schools
c) Reducing the poverty burden of the families
Skills and Talent development
In its original design, the mentorship program was targeting the academically gifted students for support. Over time, SEP has come to appreciate the need to equally target students who are not academically gifted but have their abilities and skills elsewhere. In this regard, SEP plans to introduce Skills Acquisition Program (SAP) to tap on non-academic potentials students have. In development psychology, skill acquisition refers to acquiring, developing, and improving specific abilities through learning and practice. This involves acquiring cognitive and physical capabilities, ranging from essential motor to complex cognitive abilities. It encompasses the steps taken to learn and master a particular trade, starting from the initial stages of learning to the point where the trade becomes automated and can be performed effortlessly. There are three stages involved in skills acquisition namely learning stage (cognitive stage) which is the initial stage; consolidation stage (associative stage) when the person practices what they have learned until they become more proficient at it and finally maintenance stage (autonomous stage) when the individual applies their newly acquired skills to a more diverse range of environments to maintain them. In the near future SEP will set up Skill Acquisition Centres (SAC) to address these needs.

Entrepreneurship is an art requiring innovation to create, manage and scale up activities that add value to society. Economies are powered by innovation. Much of that innovation derives from forward-thinking individuals who possess the drive, skills, and background to turn a business vision into reality. Investopedia describes four ways entrepreneurs benefit society:
• Economic growth:
The success of the products and services created and sold by entrepreneurs’ cascades to other businesses and markets.
• Wealth generation: Entrepreneurs frequently target new markets and tap audiences outside the focus of established firms. This creates new sources of revenue and profits.
• Social change:
The innovative goods and services entrepreneurs offer reduce dependence on outdated processes and technologies. One example is the way smartphones have affected how businesses communicate with customers, employees, and partners.
• Community development:
Entrepreneurs foster a sense of community among people with common goals and interests, whether in a single neighborhood or across continents. Their products and services contribute to the communities’ social and economic well-being. The youth of today while have many challenges also have many opportunities to take advantage of. In this regard, SEP plans to develop strategies to induct its beneficiaries with entrepreneurship skills such as leadership, interpersonal communication, organizational behavior, business strategies and project management in future mentorship activities.
Community service is work done at no pay by a person or group of people that benefits others. The work is often done near the area where one lives, though sometimes food and small gifts, like a t-shirt, are given to volunteers. This is one of the best ways to help benefit the public or give back to the community. It does not only have positive effects on society, but it will bring benefits to one’s life and personal development. Why is community service important?
4.1. Community Service Helps Connect to the Community. Giving back and assisting others is the basis of community service or volunteering. Thus, it teaches us how significant it is to help the ones in need, the ones who are less fortunate than us. The importance of community service lies in the fact that it connects us to the community by improving it, and making it a better place for all of us to live in.
4.2. It Benefits Your Career Prospects When you are thinking of changing or advancing your career, community service helps you gain experience and skills required for the professional turn you are considering taking. One of the community service benefits is that it provides you with the chance to improve skills important for a workplace, such as communication and organizational skills, teamwork, planning, problem-solving and task management. Furthermore, people could first merely try out an attractive career through volunteering before leaping to a long-term commitment.
Community Service
4.3. Community Service Raises Social Awareness Community service provides you with a perfect opportunity to become closer to the community you live in. Community service broadens your horizons by helping you understand the needs of the society and the population you are trying to help through the project you are volunteering on. Reading or hearing about issues is not quite the same as getting personally involved. It brings you closer to families and individuals in need, gives you firsthand experience and understanding of the conditions they are in.
4.4. Community Service Establishes Contacts and Friendships The easiest way to make friends is through activities you perform together. Not only would you be helping the ones in need, but you would also be able to meet some other volunteers. This benefit of community service is especially important if you are new in an area. After all, is there a better way to meet ones neighbours and show them how eager you are to improve your community? In addition, you could invite your existing friends to do community service with you and through it, further strengthen your relationship and have fun at the same time.
4.5. Community Service Helps Improve Your Skills Introverts sometimes have problems meeting people and making friends. Volunteering might help shy and quiet individuals with this issue as it offers lots of opportunities to meet and work with various people. Thus, it is a valuable experience for improving and practicing how to socialize in diverse surroundings. On the other hand, students are advised to do community service in order to get work-related knowledge and skills. At the same time, it increases their chances of getting a job since their community involvement creates good references for potential employers.

SEP Programs have been able to run because of donors who have decided to give back to the community. In this regard, SEP plans to start training and engaging its beneficiaries in community service not only as a way of giving back to the community but making them learn the importance and power of community service.
We Find & Fund
We are in search of opportunities to help as many youths as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.
We Educate
Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.
We Provide Care
We build schools for the underprivileged children so they are encouraged to attend school with their friends.
We Consult
We run small-scale schools for the underprivileged children and youth of daily wage workers for a better future.
We Build Schools
We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.
We Strengthen
We believe that education, and employment gives people an inner strength to lead a better life.